Eligibility for the Harold E. Johns Travel Award
The award is given annually by the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine to an outstanding CCPM Member proposing to visit one or more medical physics centres or to attend specialized training courses such as an AAPM summer school. It is intended to assist the CCPM Member in extending their knowledge by travelling to another centre or institution with the intent of gaining further experience in their chosen field, or, alternately, to embark on a new field of endeavour in medical physics. The ultimate goal of the award is to enhance medical physics practice in Canada.
Applicants may travel either inside Canada or elsewhere. Applicants must have passed the CCPM membership exam within the previous three years, and should not have previously taken a similar course or have spent a significant amount of time at the proposed institutions. The award is for $3,000 and will be paid upon receipt of a satisfactory expense claim. Recipients need not be Canadian citizens but must be working in Canada.