Individuals seeking certification from CCPM must meet certain requirements. Applicants for Membership must hold a suitable graduate degree and must meet a minimum requirement of two years for patient-related work experience. If the requirements are met, the applicant must then successfully complete the examination process, after which he or she will be elected to Membership of the College.
Retention of competency certification (Membership) in the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine requires re-certification every five years.
Re-certification consists of a credential review of evidence of clinical practice and appropriate continuing education.

Fellowship Distinction
Applicants for Fellowship must have additional work experience beyond that required for membership in the CCPM, and have made significant contributions in clinical service, education and/or research related to medical physics. If these requirements are met, the applicant must then successfully complete the examination process, after which he or she will be granted the Fellowship distinction.
Important Dates
March 16: Written Exams
May 4: Mammography Exams
May 4: Membership Oral Exam
May 10: H.E. Johns Travel award application deadline